Accommodation & Travel
What accommodation is available?
There are different accommodation options available, including at the venue itself.
Have a look at our travel and accommodation tab on this website for detailed info.
What is the best way to get to Airlie Beach?
Have a look at the travel and accommodation tab on this website which provides different options to get to Airlie Beach!
RSVP & Attendees
Can I RSVP online or do I have to mail my RSVP card?
We invite you to RSVP on this website or by mailing the RSVP card sent with the invitation. Up to you!
Can I bring a date (plus one) to your wedding?
Unfortunately, due to space limitations, we simply can't afford for all of our lovely guests to bring a guest of their own.
Are children invited? Can we bring our children?
Children are welcome to attend the ceremony, however, we respectfully advise that the reception will be for adults only. We would like to give our guests the opportunity to celebrate without having to worry about little eyes and ears and enjoy the night off!
We understand that this can be an inconvenience so we have organised babysitting for the evening through Airlie Beach Babysitting by Danielle (who also happens to be Harrison's swim teacher)! Please let us know if this is something you are interested in.
Otherwise you can organise your own babysitting privately or here are some other options:
- Mature Mummies Babysitting
0419 827 644
Food & Beverages
Will there be meal options for guests with dietary restrictions or allergies?
We will endeavour to provide alternative meal options for those with dietary restrictions or allergies. Please let us know in your RSVP if this is something you require.
Will there be an open bar?
We will be providing Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks for the reception.
Venue - Getting there and Parking
Will there be a shuttle to and/or from the hotel(s)?
For those that have booked accommodation at Elementa:
The accommodation is right next door to the venue so only a very short walk to get there.
For those that have booked accommodation elsewhere:
We are not providing transport from any other accommodation, however, we do have shuttle transport to/from Port of Airlie car park.
Is there parking at the venue?
There is limited parking at the venue, however, we are also providing a shuttle to/from Port of Airlie car park.
Everything ELse
Is there a dress code? If so, what?
We don't have a specific dress code - we want you to be comfortable!
Suit and tie definitely not required, but we do ask no jeans, t-shirts, shorts or sneakers!
What is the weather like in Airlie Beach at this time of year?
Airlie Beach in June is usually nice and comfortable during the day however can get cool of a night time. We suggest bringing along a jacket/cardigan for the evening.
Am I allowed to take photos at your wedding?
We kindly ask that you keep your phone away during the ceremony. After the formalities, we're happy for you to snap away!
Can I post wedding photos on social media?
We appreciate that you will look fabulous at our wedding and we're excited to share our special day with you. As a personal favour, we're asking that you help us keep any photos of us off social media until we've had the chance to post them ourselves.
I have more questions! Who can I contact?
If you have any more questions, reach out to Beth on 0408 793 431.